2006年1月23日 星期一

夢想的烏扥邦-Big Country

現場唯一的SpotLight燈光 打在彈奏音樂的吉他手身上
全場聽眾屏息聆聽,這就是Big Country的Chance

高中時代那個剛開始接觸西洋音樂的年代,正是Modonna,Michael Jackson等的全盛時期。

初次聽到Big Country的音樂是他把隨身聽的耳機拿給我,播放的音樂是Big Country的Chance,
後來放假後開始在高雄各大唱片行找Big Country的專輯卡帶,
倒是第三張專輯The Seer由當時的齊飛唱片代理,專輯裡"Eiledon"裡所描述的美麗境界,
"Hold The Heart"裡縈繞不絕的蘇格蘭風笛聲,都讓我反覆的把這張卡帶聽了又聽。

這些年,接收了大量的音樂資訊,已經漸漸忘記自己曾經喜歡的Big Country,
前幾個月在台北火車站前的啟元二手唱片行逛,居然找到一張德國版的The Seer專輯,

關於Big Country以下做一些簡短介紹
由Stuart Adamson所成立的蘇格蘭樂團Big Country,其最有特色的是音樂充滿濃濃的蘇格蘭搖滾風。
有著鈴聲與風笛般吉他音色的Big Country,在80年代初期新搖滾樂團內相當獨樹一格的樂團。
找來了小時後玩伴朋友Bruce Watson擔任第二把吉他手,
再找來Clive Parker與他的兄弟Pete以及Alan Wishart組成最初的樂團雛形。
但很快的bass手Tony Butler 鼓手Mark Brzezicki就取代了他們的位置。
並與Polygram's Mercury簽約於1982年發行了第一張單曲"Harvest Home"
不斷的巡迴開場表演一直到"Fields of Fire"打進了英國的Top 10。

Big Country的發展並不順遂,也許是開始幾張的同質性太高,在一些音樂評論裡
2001年Adamson 被發現在夏威夷的旅館內死亡,而為這樂團畫上一個句點。



Chance --1983 by Big Country

All the rain came down
On a cold new town
As he carried you away
From your father's hand
That always seemed like a fist
Reaching out to make you pay

He came like a hero from the factory floor
With the sun and moon as gifts
But the only son you ever saw
Were the two he left you with

Oh Lord where did the feeling go
Oh Lord I never felt so low

Now the skirts hang so heavy around your head
That you never knew you were young
Because you played chance with a lifetime's romance
And the price was far too long

Oh Lord where did the feeling go
Oh Lord I never felt so low

Oh Lord where did the feeling go
Oh Lord I never felt so low

Oh Lord where did the feeling go
Oh Lord I never felt so low

Oh Lord where did the feeling go
Oh Lord I never felt so low

Oh Lord where did the feeling go
Oh Lord I never felt so low

Eiledon --1986 by Big Country

The eagle soars above the clouds
The deer ran in the hills
And I may walk in cities
Where the wolf once had his fill
And here is strength for us to find
To turn the old to new
And wipe our eyes of misty years
And see the future through

I chose this place to call my own
The only grace I've ever known
I never tire of legends grown
We dream too much and time has flown

Eiledon, I will be there
Eiledon, my dream is there

So let me fill my children's hearts
With heroes tales and hope it starts
A fire in them so deeds are done
With no vain sighs for moments gone

So let us soar up with the eagles
In wild country among the deer
And wake the wolf in every city
And reckoning is drawing near

And here is strength for us to find
To turn the old to new
And wipe our eyes of misty years
And see the future through

